The mission of Inwood Christian School is to provide an atmosphere in which each unique child of God is challenged both academically and Biblically to live as a Christian, serving him in all areas of life.

7th and 8th grade
Mrs. Lucas
Dates and Reminders:
---Music and Band are on Monday and Wednesday
---P.E. is on Tuesday and Thursday
Upcoming Dates:
- Jan. 6 - Classes Resume
- Jan. 8 - Chapel - wear theme shirts
- Jan. 10 - End of 2nd Quarter
- Jan. 14 - Basketball vs. Ireton Christian - Away - leave at 2:55
- Jan. 17 - 1:30 dismissal - Report Cards Go Home
- Jan. 17 - ICS Supper & Auction
- Jan. 20 - Basketball vs. Sheldon Christian - Home - 4:00
- Jan. 21 - Basketball vs. Hull Christian - Away
- Jan. 28 - Basketball vs. Rock Valley Christian - Home - 4:00
- Jan. 30 - Skate City - 6:00-8:00
- Feb. 5 - Chapel - Wear theme shirts
- Feb. 14 - No School - Presidents Day Break
- Feb. 17 - No School - Presidents Day Break
- Feb. 27 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Feb. 28 - No School - PT Comp Day